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Andy Goodwin Gets Personal and Wins Awards

Despite all the hardships of the past year, we can note some bright spots. Andy Goodwin had quite a rewarding and award-winning year. He was honored by Luerzer’s Archive for his “Queen for a Day” photography/CGI series created in collaboration with Filtre Studio featuring his image of the "Queen in the Kitchen."  AI-AP honored him for a movie poster shot for a horror B-movie featured at SXSW. And to top it off, Creative Quarterly recognized his personal work from the series “Isolated.” Shot during the pandemic, “Isolated” captured friends and neighbors removed from their environments and living in isolation. 


Award-winning images pre-pandemic and during the crisis.

Water Portraits below is another ongoing personal project.   Andy  spent a lot of time constructing a setup to explore the idea of shooting underwater portraits. It was a wet process where caution was needed. “One of the biggest hurdles is giving direction to the models whose heads are usually submerged, so I landed on the idea of giving the subject control of the camera with a long cable release and letting them take the picture whenever they determined to be the decisive moment,” says Andy.  A lot of fun and very cool, the portraits turned out so well that both the prestigious Communication Arts and Creative Quarterly  featured  the series.