Doug Truppe Represents

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Walter Smith: A Work in Progress

“It’s not about the photography, it’s what we talk about.”

Walter Smith’s work has never been about cameras or lights. It's always, every project,  has been about the conversation in the room....what happens between the subjects and Walter. Following his intuition ... adjusting the conversation to a place where vulnerability meets vulnerability. Having the confidence to know when to adjust a shoot to get to a place where the images create themselves.

Hector in Brooklyn.

Times Square, NYC music.

 “My ego is in check and ready to do the work.”

I used to joke that my ego kept me from doing things within the industry but the truth is it was a wavering confidence in my instincts and intuition I got over it years ago and have always worked, whether in video or stills, from a place of authenticity and honesty.” Those are two words Walter does not use  lightly. They go hand in hand with confidence and a desire to always learn and to be better and to find new connections wherever he goes. He is consumed by all things visual and is always in search of the perfect negroni. See what Walter does and listen to that inner voice here. Keep up with his  latest work and insights @waltersmithphoto. 

Roivant, NYC.

Favorite street buddies.

Biking the streets of Buffalo, NY.

Honey says it all.

Tween time.

Olive’s birthday.