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Poby Goes Viral with Asphalt Green’s New AG6 Video

With over 8 million views after four days and 22 million views after two weeks Poby’s video for Asphalt Green’s new AG6 workout has gone viral.  What has made this success even sweeter for Poby is the longstanding relationship he has with the non-profit organization dedicated to bringing sports to their communities. 

Not only has he continued to create branded content for Asphalt Green over the last eight years, but he also has reprised his role as a pro-athlete and has played for the AG water polo team. Their philosophy is so close to Poby’s heart that when they came to him asking for ideas on how to promote this new, all senses used workout he knew exactly what they needed. Poby presented an emotional, powerful and engaging idea that incorporated video as well as stills and the team loved it. “From concept to treatment to directing to camera work, I did all of this,” says Poby.

“We started to film just when the system was installed and used AG trainers. We shot for about 8 hours and created situations as if it would be real AG6 classes.” Poby and his team even handled the post-production and credits editing to Amber Rima and the exclusive score to French composer Vincent Lagadrilliere from Paris who made a rhythm and beat match the power and energy of the workout. If you are in NYC you should run, not walk, to try out this class that is filling up fast due to all the positive press, but as Poby tells us, it’s not for beginners so be prepared to sweat.

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